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Internalized stigma, depressive symptoms, and the modifying role of antiretroviral therapy: A cohort study in rural Uganda.


Depression affects over 40% of people with HIV (PHIV) in low- and middle-income countries, and over half of PHIV report HIV-related internalized stigma.

Bebell LM Kembabazi A Musinguzi N Martin JN Hunt PW Boum Y O'Laughlin KN Muzoora C Haberer JE Bwana MB Bangsberg DR Siedner MJ Tsai AC
SSM. Mental health 2021 Dec ; 1; . doi: 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2021.100034. Epub 2021 10 20
Antiretroviral therapy Depression Discrimination HIV Mental health Prejudice Stigma Sub-saharan africa Uganda

Cutaneous larva migrans in early infancy: A Ugandan case report.


Helminths are an important cause of worm infestation in low-income countries. The majority spread with soil to skin contact. In unusual patients presenting below 1 year, treatment can be challenging.

Muwanguzi E Kayiira M Kasozi D Kigozi E
Clinical case reports 2021 Nov ; 9(11); e05080. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5080. Epub 2021 11 12
Uganda cutaneous larva migrans infancy topical albendazole

Prevalence of malaria in an area receiving seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Niger.


BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission is highly seasonal in Niger.

Coldiron ME Assao B Guindo O Sayinzoga-Makombe N Koscalova A Sterk E Quere M Ciglenecki I Mumina A Atti S Langendorf C Grais RF
Malaria journal 2021 Oct 24; 20(1); 419. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03953-2. Epub 2021 10 24
Malaria Niger Seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Two-fold increase in the HIV viral load suppression rate along with decreased incidence over six years in Ndhiwa sub-county, Kenya.


BACKGROUND: HIV-positive individuals who maintain an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus to others.

Conan N Badawi M Chihana ML Wanjala S Kingwara L Mambula C Ngugi C Okomo G Opollo V Salumu L Nesbitt R Szumilin E Huerga H
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2021 Oct 12; doi: 10.1111/tmi.13688. Epub 2021 10 12
ART HIV care HIV diagnosis incidence prevalence viral load

Conceptualizing factors impacting nutrition services coverage of treatment for acute malnutrition in children – an application of the Three Delays Model in Niger


OBJECTIVE: The Three Delays Model is a conceptual model traditionally used to understand contributing factors of maternal mortality.

Kodish SR Allen BGS Salou H Schwendler TR Isanaka S
Public health nutrition 2021 Oct 08; 1-21. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021004286. Epub 2021 10 08
Community-based management of acute malnutrition Rural Niger Severe acute malnutrition Three Delays Model

Evaluating newly approved drugs for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (endTB): study protocol for an adaptive, multi-country randomized controlled trial.


BACKGROUND: Treatment of multidrug- and rifampin-resistant tuberculosis (MDR/RR-TB) is expensive, labour-intensive, and associated with substantial adverse events and poor outcomes.

Guglielmetti L Ardizzoni E Atger M Baudin E Berikova E Bonnet M Chang E Cloez S Coit JM Cox V de Jong BC Delifer C Do JM Tozzi DDS Ducher V Ferlazzo G Gouillou M Khan A Khan U Lachenal N LaHood AN Lecca L Mazmanian M McIlleron H Moschioni M O'Brien K Okunbor O Oyewusi L Panda S Patil SB Phillips PPJ Pichon L Rupasinghe P Rich ML Saluhuddin N Seung KJ Tamirat M Trippa L Cellamare M Velásquez GE Wasserman S Zimetbaum PJ Varaine F Mitnick CD
Trials 2021 Sep 25; 22(1); 651. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05491-3. Epub 2021 09 25
Bayesian adaptive randomization Bedaquiline Clofazimine Delamanid Fluoroquinolone Linezolid MDR-TB Non-inferiority Pyrazinamide Rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis Rifampin-resistant tuberculosis Treatment shortening

Exploring the relationships between wasting and stunting among a cohort of children under two years of age in Niger.


BACKGROUND: Wasting and stunting, physical growth manifestations of child undernutrition, have historically been considered separately with distinct interventions at the program, policy, and financing levels despite similar risk factor

Kohlmann K Sudfeld CR Garba S Guindo O Grais RF Isanaka S
BMC public health 2021 Sep 21; 21(1); 1713. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11689-6. Epub 2021 09 21
Child Concurrence Growth Niger Stunting Undernutrition Wasting

The relationship between wasting and stunting in young children: A systematic review.


In 2014, the Emergency Nutrition Network published a report on the relationship between wasting and stunting.

Thurstans S Sessions N Dolan C Sadler K Cichon B Isanaka S Roberfroid D Stobaugh H Webb P Khara T
Maternal & child nutrition 2021 Sep 05; e13246. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13246. Epub 2021 09 05
child growth infectious disease international child health nutrition malnutrition stunting wasting