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MUAC as the sole discharge criterion from community-based management of severe acute malnutrition in Burkina Faso.


The use of mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurement to screen and determine eligibility for admission to therapeutic feeding programs has been established, but evidence and programmatic experience to inform guidance on the use of MUAC as a discha

Isanaka S Hanson KE Frison S Andersen CT Cohuet S Grais RF
Maternal & child nutrition 2018 Sep 08; e12688. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12688. Epub 2018 09 08
Burkina Faso community-based management of acute malnutrition discharge mid upper arm circumference proportional weight gain severe acute malnutrition

Treatment correlates of successful outcomes in pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: Treatment outcomes for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis remain poor.

Ahmad N Ahuja SD Akkerman OW Alffenaar JC Anderson LF Baghaei P Bang D Barry PM Bastos ML Behera D Benedetti A Bisson GP Boeree MJ Bonnet M Brode SK Brust JCM Cai Y Caumes E Cegielski JP Centis R Chan PC Chan ED Chang KC Charles M Cirule A Dalcolmo MP D'Ambrosio L de Vries G Dheda K Esmail A Flood J Fox GJ Fréchet-Jachym M Fregona G Gayoso R Gegia M Gler MT Gu S Guglielmetti L Holtz TH Hughes J Isaakidis P Jarlsberg L Kempker RR Keshavjee S Khan FA Kipiani M Koenig SP Koh WJ Kritski A Kuksa L Kvasnovsky CL Kwak N Lan Z Lange C Laniado-Laborín R Lee M Leimane V Leung CC Leung EC Li PZ Lowenthal P Maciel EL Marks SM Mase S Mbuagbaw L Migliori GB Milanov V Miller AC Mitnick CD Modongo C Mohr E Monedero I Nahid P Ndjeka N O'Donnell MR Padayatchi N Palmero D Pape JW Podewils LJ Reynolds I Riekstina V Robert J Rodriguez M Seaworth B Seung KJ Schnippel K Shim TS Singla R Smith SE Sotgiu G Sukhbaatar G Tabarsi P Tiberi S Trajman A Trieu L Udwadia ZF van der Werf TS Veziris N Viiklepp P Vilbrun SC Walsh K Westenhouse J Yew WW Yim JJ Zetola NM Zignol M Menzies D
Lancet (London, England) 2018 09 08; 392(10150); 821-834. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31644-1. Epub 2018 10 22

Outbreak of Pneumococcal Meningitis, Paoua Subprefecture, Central African Republic, 2016-2017.


We report a pneumococcal meningitis outbreak in the Central African Republic (251 suspected cases; 60 confirmed by latex agglutination test) in 2016-2017. Case-fatality rates (10% for confirmed case-patients) were low.

Coldiron ME Touré O Frank T Bouygues N Grais RF
Emerging infectious diseases 2018 09 ; 24(9); 1720-1722. doi: 10.3201/eid2409.171058. Epub 2019 01 18
Central African Republic Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria meningitis meningitis/encephalitis outbreak pneumococcal meningitis pneumococcal vaccines

Micro-Hotspots of Risk in Urban Cholera Epidemics.


Targeted interventions have been delivered to neighbors of cholera cases in major epidemic responses globally despite limited evidence for the impact of such targeting.

Azman AS Luquero FJ Salje H Mbaïbardoum NN Adalbert N Ali M Bertuzzo E Finger F Toure B Massing LA Ramazani R Saga B Allan M Olson D Leglise J Porten K Lessler J
The Journal of infectious diseases 2018 Aug 24; 218(7); 1164-1168. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy283. Epub 2018 11 14

Voluntary Community Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing, Linkage, and Retention in Care Interventions in Kenya: Modeling the Clinical Impact and Cost-effectiveness.


Background: In southwest Kenya, the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is about 25%.

Luong Nguyen LB Yazdanpanah Y Maman D Wanjala S Vandenbulcke A Price J Parker RA Hennequin W Mendiharat P Freedberg KA
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018 Aug 16; 67(5); 719-726. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy173. Epub 2018 11 14

A dynamic model of transmission and elimination of peste des petits ruminants in Ethiopia.


Peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a devastating viral disease of sheep and goats, has been targeted by the global community for eradication within the next 15 years.

Fournié G Waret-Szkuta A Camacho A Yigezu LM Pfeiffer DU Roger F
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018 08 14; 115(33); 8454-8459. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1711646115. Epub 2018 07 27
control elimination eradication mathematical model vaccination

Acceptability and Utilization of Three Nutritional Supplements during Pregnancy: Findings from a Longitudinal, Mixed-Methods Study in Niger.


Nutritional status in pregnancy is a key determinant of birth outcomes. In low-income countries, maternal diets are often limited, and daily nutrient supplements are recommended to fill nutrient gaps.

Clermont A Kodish SR Matar Seck A Salifou A Rosen J Grais RF Isanaka S
Nutrients 2018 Aug 12; 10(8); doi: 10.3390/nu10081073. Epub 2018 08 12
Niger diet maternal nutrition pregnancy outcomes prenatal supplement qualitative methods

Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among HIV-Infected Adults Receiving Efavirenz Versus Nevirapine in Uganda: A Prospective Cohort Study.


Background: Evidence regarding potential adverse neuropsychiatric effects of efavirenz is conflicting, and data from sub-Saharan Africa, where 70% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) reside and efavirenz is used as first-line therapy, a

Chang JL Tsai AC Musinguzi N Haberer JE Boum Y Muzoora C Bwana M Martin JN Hunt PW Bangsberg DR Siedner MJ
Annals of internal medicine 2018 Aug 07; 169(3); 146-155. doi: 10.7326/M17-2252. Epub 2018 06 26

Xpert MTB/RIF diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis from sputum and stool samples in a high TB-HIV-prevalent setting.


The Xpert MTB/RIF assay is a major advance for diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in high-burden countries but is limited in children by their difficulty to produce sputum.

Orikiriza P Nansumba M Nyehangane D Bastard M Mugisha IT Nansera D Mwanga-Amumpaire J Boum Y Kumbakumba E Bonnet M
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology 2018 Aug ; 37(8); 1465-1473. doi: 10.1007/s10096-018-3272-0. Epub 2018 05 08
Childhood tuberculosis Sputum Stool Xpert MTB/RIF