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Field evaluation of near point of care Cepheid GeneXpert HIV-1 Qual for early infant diagnosis.


BACKGROUND: Access to point-of-care HIV testing shortens turn-around times, time to diagnosis and reduces loss to follow-up hence minimizing barriers to early linkage to care and treatment among HIV infected infants.

Opollo VS Nikuze A Ben-Farhat J Anyango E Humwa F Oyaro B Wanjala S Omwoyo W Majiwa M Akelo V Zeh C Maman D
PloS one 2018 ; 13(12); e0209778. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209778. Epub 2018 12 27

Impact of "test and treat" recommendations on eligibility for antiretroviral treatment: Cross sectional population survey data from three high HIV prevalence countries.


BACKGROUND: Latest WHO guidelines recommend starting HIV-positive individuals on antiretroviral therapy treatment (ART) regardless of CD4 count. We assessed additional impact of adopting new WHO guidelines.

Chihana ML Huerga H Van Cutsem G Ellman T Wanjala S Masiku C Szumilin E Etard JF Davies MA Maman D
PloS one 2018 ; 13(11); e0207656. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207656. Epub 2018 11 26

Risk Factors for Vaginal Colonization and Relationship between Bacterial Vaginal Colonization and In-Hospital Outcomes in Women with Obstructed Labor in a Ugandan Regional Referral Hospital.


Introduction: The proportion of women with severe maternal morbidity from obstructed labor is between 2 and 12% in resource-limited settings. Maternal vaginal colonization with group B streptococcus (GBS), , and spp.

Ngonzi J Bebell LM Bazira J Fajardo Y Nyehangane D Boum Y Nanjebe D Boatin A Kabakyenga J Jacquemyn Y Van Geertruyden JP Riley LE
International journal of microbiology 2018 ; 2018 6579139. doi: 10.1155/2018/6579139. Epub 2018 09 20

Antimicrobial treatment practices among Ugandan children with suspicion of central nervous system infection.


Acute central nervous system (CNS) infections in children in sub-Saharan Africa are often fatal. Potential contributors include late presentation, limited diagnostic capacity and inadequate treatment.

Kemigisha E Nanjebe D Boum Y Langendorf C Aberrane S Nyehangane D Nackers F Mueller Y Charrel R Murphy RA Page AL Mwanga-Amumpaire J
PloS one 2018 ; 13(10); e0205316. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205316. Epub 2018 10 09

HIV treatment is associated with a two-fold higher probability of raised triglycerides: Pooled Analyses in 21 023 individuals in sub-Saharan Africa.


Background: Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) regimes for HIV are associated with raised levels of circulating triglycerides (TG) in western populations.

Ekoru K Young EH Dillon DG Gurdasani D Stehouwer N Faurholt-Jepsen D Levitt NS Crowther NJ Nyirenda M Njelekela MA Ramaiya K Nyan O Adewole OO Anastos K Compostella C Dave JA Fourie CM Friis H Kruger IM Longenecker CT Maher DP Mutimura E Ndhlovu CE Praygod G Pefura Yone EW Pujades-Rodriguez M Range N Sani MU Sanusi M Schutte AE Sliwa K Tien PC Vorster EH Walsh C Gareta D Mashili F Sobngwi E Adebamowo C Kamali A Seeley J Smeeth L Pillay D Motala AA Kaleebu P Sandhu MS
Global health, epidemiology and genomics 2018 ; 3 doi: 10.1017/gheg.2018.7. Epub 2018 05 08
Antiretroviral therapy Cardiovascular disease HIV Lipids Sub-Saharan Africa Triglycerides

Single-dose oral ciprofloxacin prophylaxis as a response to a meningococcal meningitis epidemic in the African meningitis belt: A 3-arm, open-label, cluster-randomized trial.


BACKGROUND: Antibiotic prophylaxis for contacts of meningitis cases is not recommended during outbreaks in the African meningitis belt.

Coldiron ME Assao B Page AL Hitchings MDT Alcoba G Ciglenecki I Langendorf C Mambula C Adehossi E Sidikou F Tassiou EI De Lastours V Grais RF
PLoS medicine 2018 Jun ; 15(6); e1002593. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002593. Epub 2018 06 26

Cholera epidemic in Yemen, 2016-18: an analysis of surveillance data.


BACKGROUND: In war-torn Yemen, reports of confirmed cholera started in late September, 2016. The disease continues to plague Yemen today in what has become the largest documented cholera epidemic of modern times.

Camacho A Bouhenia M Alyusfi R Alkohlani A Naji MAM de Radiguès X Abubakar AM Almoalmi A Seguin C Sagrado MJ Poncin M McRae M Musoke M Rakesh A Porten K Haskew C Atkins KE Eggo RM Azman AS Broekhuijsen M Saatcioglu MA Pezzoli L Quilici ML Al-Mesbahy AR Zagaria N Luquero FJ
The Lancet. Global health 2018 06 ; 6(6); e680-e690. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30230-4. Epub 2018 05 03

Artemether-lumefantrine dosing for malaria treatment in young children and pregnant women: A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: The fixed dose combination of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) is the most widely used treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

Kloprogge F Workman L Borrmann S Tékété M Lefèvre G Hamed K Piola P Ursing J Kofoed PE Mårtensson A Ngasala B Björkman A Ashton M Friberg Hietala S Aweeka F Parikh S Mwai L Davis TME Karunajeewa H Salman S Checchi F Fogg C Newton PN Mayxay M Deloron P Faucher JF Nosten F Ashley EA McGready R van Vugt M Proux S Price RN Karbwang J Ezzet F Bakshi R Stepniewska K White NJ Guerin PJ Barnes KI Tarning J
PLoS medicine 2018 Jun ; 15(6); e1002579. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002579. Epub 2018 06 12