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Low antiretroviral therapy uptake and low early retention among pregnant women who tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus in informal health centers in urban and semi-rural settings in Cameroon: a prospective cohort study.


INTRODUCTION: Despite the efforts of Cameroon's Ministry of Public Health against informal health centers (IHCs) because of their illegitimacy, the number of IHCs is increasing in Cameroon.

Onambele AAS Yuya F Schouame AA Nolna SK Socpa A
Frontiers in public health 2023 ; 11; . doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1188749. Epub 2023 07 26
ART naïves HIV PMTCT informal health centers pregnant women

Practices and challenges related to antibiotic use in paediatric treatment in hospitals and health centres in Niger and Uganda: a mixed methods study.


BACKGROUND: Antibiotic resistance is a significant public health problem and is responsible for high mortality in children and new-borns.

Mambula G Nanjebe D Munene A Guindo O Salifou A Mamaty AA Rattigan S Ellis S Khavessian N van der Pluijm RW Marquer C Adehossi IA Langendorf C
Antimicrobial resistance and infection control 2023 Jul 11; 12(1); . doi: 10.1186/s13756-023-01271-7. Epub 2023 07 11
Antibiotics Antimicrobial resistance Paediatrics Prescription Sub-saharan Africa

Fetal sex and risk of pregnancy-associated malaria in Plasmodium falciparum-endemic regions: a meta-analysis.


In areas of moderate to intense Plasmodium falciparum transmission, malaria in pregnancy remains a significant cause of low birth weight, stillbirth, and severe anaemia.

Unger HW Hadiprodjo AJ Gutman JR Briand V Fievet N Valea I Tinto H D'Alessandro U Landis SH Ter Kuile F Ouma P Oneko M Mwapasa V Slutsker L Terlouw DJ Kariuki S Ayisi J Nahlen B Desai M Madanitsa M Kalilani-Phiri L Ashorn P Maleta K Tshefu-Kitoto A Mueller I Stanisic D Cates J Van Eijk AM Ome-Kaius M Aitken EH Rogerson SJ
Scientific reports 2023 Jun 26; 13(1); . doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37431-3. Epub 2023 06 26

Faecal carriage of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in a remote region of Niger.


OBJECTIVE: Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-E. coli) in developing countries is lacking. Here we describe the population structure and molecular characteristics of ESBL-E.

Jacquier H Assao B Chau F Guindo O Condamine B Magnan M Bridier-Nahmias A Sayingoza-Makombe N Moumouni A Page AL Langendorf C Coldiron ME Denamur E de Lastours V
The Journal of infection 2023 Jun 25; . doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2023.06.015. Epub 2023 06 25
ESBL – E. coli chromosomal integration community developing country faecal carriage

Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and retrospective mortality in two African settings: Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.


Although seroprevalence studies have demonstrated the wide circulation of SARS-COV-2 in African countries, the impact on population health in these settings is still poorly understood.

Simons E Nikolay B Ouedraogo P Pasquier E Tiemeni C Adjaho I Badjo C Chamman K Diomandé M Dosso M Doumbia M Izia YA Kakompe H Katsomya AM Kij V Akissi VK Mambula C Mbala-Kingebeni P Muzinga J Ngoy B Penali L Pini A Porten K Salou H Sevede D Luquero F Gignoux E
PLOS global public health 2023 ; 3(6); . doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001457. Epub 2023 06 08

High mortality rates among COVID-19 intensive care patients in Iraq: insights from a retrospective cohort study at Médecins Sans Frontières supported hospital in Baghdad.


BACKGROUND: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the challenges of the healthcare system in Iraq, which has limited intensive care unit beds, medical personnel, and equipment, contributing to high infection

Malaeb R Haider A Abdulateef M Hameed M Daniel U Kabilwa G Seyni I Ahmadana KE Zelikova E Porten K Godard A
Frontiers in public health 2023 ; 11; . doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1185330. Epub 2023 08 31
Baghdad COVID-19 ICU mortality ICU outcomes Iraq healthcare humanitarian limited resource settings

Factors associated with adverse outcomes among patients hospitalized at a COVID-19 treatment center in Herat, Afghanistan.


Though many studies on COVID have been published to date, data on COVID-19 epidemiology, symptoms, risk factors and severity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICS), such as Afghanistan are sparse.

Klein A Bastard M Hemat H Singh S Muniz B Manangama G Alayyan A Tamanna AH Barakzaie B Popal N Kakar MAZ Poulet E Finger F
PLOS global public health 2023 ; 3(8); . doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001687. Epub 2023 08 24

Outcomes of WHO-conforming, longer, all-oral multidrug-resistant TB regimens and analysis implications.


Evidence of the effectiveness of the WHO-recommended design of longer individualized regimens for multidrug- or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) is limited.

Rich ML Khan U Zeng C LaHood A Franke MF Atwood S Bastard M Burhan E Danielyan N Dzhazibekova PM Gadissa D Ghafoor A Hewison C Islam MS Kazmi E Khan PY Lecca L Maama LB Melikyan N Naing YY Philippe K Saki NA Seung KJ Skrahina A Tefera GB Varaine F Vilbrun SC Võ L Mitnick CD Huerga H
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2023 Jun 01; 27(6); . doi: 10.5588/ijtld.22.0613. Epub 2023 05 29

Diagnostic yield of urine lipoarabinomannan and sputum tuberculosis tests in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data.


BACKGROUND: Sputum is the most widely used sample to diagnose active tuberculosis, but many people living with HIV are unable to produce sputum. Urine, in contrast, is readily available.

Broger T Koeppel L Huerga H Miller P Gupta-Wright A Blanc FX Esmail A Reeve BWP Floridia M Kerkhoff AD Ciccacci F Kasaro MP Thit SS Bastard M Ferlazzo G Yoon C Van Hoving DJ Sossen B García JI Cummings MJ Wake RM Hanson J Cattamanchi A Meintjes G Maartens G Wood R Theron G Dheda K Olaru ID Denkinger CM
The Lancet. Global health 2023 Jun ; 11(6); . doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00135-3. Epub 2023 05 22

Community-based COVID-19 active case finding and rapid response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Improving case detection and response.


A community-based coronavirus disease (COVID-19) active case-finding strategy using an antigen-detecting rapid diagnostic test (Ag-RDT) was implemented in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to enhance COVID-19 case detection.

Otshudiema JO Folefack GLT Nsio JM Kakema CH Minikulu L Bafuana A Kosianza JB Mfumu AK Nkwembe E Munyeku-Bazitama Y Makiala-Mandanda S Guinko N Mbuyi G Tshilumbu JK Saidi GN Umba-di-Masiala MS Ebondo AK Mutonj JJ Kalombo S Kabeya J Mawanda TK Bile FN Kasereka GK Mbala-Kingebeni P Ahuka-Mundeke S Karamagi HC Fai KN Djiguimde AP
PloS one 2023 ; 18(5); . doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278251. Epub 2023 05 18