Soazic Gardais
Soazic holds a Master's degree in Genomics, Cell Biology and Physiology and training in Good Clinical Practices. She joined Epicentre in 2020. Previously, she worked for various Contract Research Organisations (CROs) as a Clinical Research Associate and then Clinical Trial Coordinator. She was responsible for coordinating and managing clinical trials in Europe for drugs and medical devices. Soazic then joined the Institut de Recherche Clinique du Bénin (IRCB) in Cotonou for two years to prepare the site for a Phase I clinical trial for a gestational malaria vaccine. In 2016, she joined the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI) and then the Institut Pasteur in 2018. These experiences have given her a solid understanding of the regulations governing good clinical practice and ethical requirements, which are essential for managing the monitoring of clinical trials underway at Epicentre.