
Antimicrobial-resistant infections among postpartum women at a Ugandan referral hospital.


INTRODUCTION: Puerperal sepsis causes 10% of maternal deaths in Africa, but prospective studies on incidence, microbiology and antimicrobial resistance are lacking.

Bebell LM Ngonzi J Bazira J Fajardo Y Boatin AA Siedner MJ Bassett IV Nyehangane D Nanjebe D Jacquemyn Y van Geertruyden JP Mwanga-Amumpaire J Bangsberg DR Riley LE Boum Y
PloS one 2017 ; 12(4); e0175456. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175456. Epub 2017 04 13

Retrospective mortality among refugees from the Central African Republic arriving in Chad, 2014.


BACKGROUND: The Central African Republic has known long periods of instability. In 2014, following the fall of an interim government installed by the Séléka coalition, a series of violent reprisals occurred.

Coldiron ME Roederer T Llosa AE Bouhenia M Madi S Sury L Neuman M Porten K
Conflict and health 2017 ; 11 7. doi: 10.1186/s13031-017-0110-4. Epub 2017 05 15
Central African Republic Chad Exposure to violence Mortality Refugees Violence War crimes

Evaluation of a chest radiograph reading and recording system for tuberculosis in a HIV-positive cohort.


AIM: To assess the impact of introducing a chest radiograph reading and recording system (CRRS) with a short training session, on the accuracy and inter-reader variability of tuberculosis (TB) interpretation of chest radiographs (CXRs)

Kosack CS Spijker S Halton J Bonnet M Nicholas S Chetcuti K Mesic A Brant WE Joekes E Andronikou S
Clinical radiology 2017 Jun ; 72(6); 519.e1-519.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2017.01.008. Epub 2017 02 21

Surveillance of HIV-1 pol transmitted drug resistance in acutely and recently infected antiretroviral drug-naïve persons in rural western Kenya.


HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance (TDR) is of increasing public health concern in sub-Saharan Africa with the rollout of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy.

Onywera H Maman D Inzaule S Auma E Were K Fredrick H Owiti P Opollo V Etard JF Mukui I Kim AA Zeh C
PloS one 2017 ; 12(2); e0171124. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171124. Epub 2017 02 08

Evaluation of the SD Bioline TB Ag MPT64 test for identification of complex from liquid cultures in Southwestern Uganda.


BACKGROUND: To confirm presence of complex, some tuberculosis culture laboratories still rely on para-nitrobenzoic acid (PNB), a traditional technique that requires sub-culturing of clinical isolates and two to three weeks to give res

Orikiriza P Nyehangane D Atwine D Kisakye JJ Kassaza K Amumpaire JM Boum Y
African journal of laboratory medicine 2017 ; 6(2); 383. doi: 10.4102/ajlm.v6i2.383. Epub 2017 03 31

Neighborhood-targeted and case-triggered use of a single dose of oral cholera vaccine in an urban setting: Feasibility and vaccine coverage.


INTRODUCTION: In June 2015, a cholera outbreak was declared in Juba, South Sudan. In addition to standard outbreak control measures, oral cholera vaccine (OCV) was proposed.

Parker LA Rumunu J Jamet C Kenyi Y Lino RL Wamala JF Mpairwe AM Muller V Llosa AE Uzzeni F Luquero FJ Ciglenecki I Azman AS
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2017 Jun ; 11(6); e0005652. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005652. Epub 2017 06 08

Data-Driven Models of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Dynamics: A Review.


Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) threatens animal health and leads to considerable economic losses worldwide. Progress towards minimizing both veterinary and financial impact of the disease will be made with targeted disease control policies.

Pomeroy LW Bansal S Tildesley M Moreno-Torres KI Moritz M Xiao N Carpenter TE Garabed RB
Transboundary and emerging diseases 2017 Jun ; 64(3); 716-728. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12437. Epub 2015 11 18
dynamical models foot-and-mouth disease virus targeted control transmission

Health care workers' perceptions of point-of-care testing in a low-income country-A qualitative study in Southwestern Uganda.


BACKGROUND: Point-of-care (POC) tests have become increasingly available and more widely used in recent years.

Rasti R Nanjebe D Karlström J Muchunguzi C Mwanga-Amumpaire J Gantelius J Mårtensson A Rivas L Galban F Reuterswärd P Andersson Svahn H Alvesson HM Boum Y Alfvén T
PloS one 2017 ; 12(7); e0182005. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182005. Epub 2017 07 27

The gender, social and cultural influences on the management and use of unconditional cash transfers in Niger: a qualitative study.


OBJECTIVE: The current qualitative study aimed to identify gender, social and cultural influences on the management and use of unconditional cash transfers as part of a prospective intervention study in Niger.

Scott J Marquer C Berthe F Ategbo EA Grais RF Langendorf C
Public health nutrition 2017 Jun ; 20(9); 1657-1665. doi: 10.1017/S1368980017000337. Epub 2017 03 06
Cash transfer Food insecurity Gender Malnutrition Niger Nutrition intervention