Christopher Mambula JS 2023

Christopher Mambula

Titre du poste
Programme Manager MSF France
Description courte
Session model of care
Corps éditorial


Dr Christopher Mambula is a medical doctor with a master’s in public health. He has been a part of the MSF movement for over 18 years serving in different capacities. He started his MSF career in his birth country Nigeria as field doctor working in numerous projects and occupied positions in field management and coordination. He subsequently transitioned as an international mobile staff and worked in Haiti, South Sudan, and Kenya. He has been in the Médecins Sans Frontières France Paris headquarters since 2015. He is currently Program manager, responsible for four countries: Kenya, Uganda, DRC and Malawi. In his portfolio, there is a rich diversity of projects treating people living with HIV, cervical cancer, responding to measles, cholera and Ebola epidemics, general pediatrics, surgery and refugee health