[Risk factors for malnutrition in 0-59-month-old infants in 2 districts of Niger].

Quelin G Pecoul B Amadou B Baker S
Medecine tropicale : revue du Corps de sante colonial ; 51(3); 335-42. doi: . Epub 1991 12 26


A nutritional survey by cluster sampling at 2 degrees, carried out in April 1987 within a range of action of 6 health structures in Niger, has permitted the calculation of the weight/height index among children aged from 0 to 59 months and the malnutrition rate, according to the socio-economic status, the demographic variables, the intercurrent diseases, the use of health departments, alimentary and weaning habits. The standardized rate of acute malnutrition for the age among of 0-59 months is 12.3%. The risk factors for acute malnutrition retained after logistical regression are the age groups of 6-17 months and 18-29 months, the areas of Guidan Roumdji, Tahoua, Tajae, Guidan Sori and the group of children that have contracted diarrhea during the 15 days preceding the survey.