
Delayed second dose of oral cholera vaccine administered before high-risk period for cholera transmission: Cholera control strategy in Lusaka, 2016.


BACKGROUND: In April 2016, an emergency vaccination campaign using one dose of Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) was organized in response to a cholera outbreak that started in Lusaka in February 2016.

Ferreras E Matapo B Chizema-Kawesha E Chewe O Mzyece H Blake A Moonde L Zulu G Poncin M Sinyange N Kasese-Chanda N Phiri C Malama K Mukonka V Cohuet S Uzzeni F Ciglenecki I Danovaro-Holliday MC Luquero FJ Pezzoli L
PloS one 2019 ; 14(8); e0219040. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219040. Epub 2019 08 30

Feasibility of using Determine TB-LAM to diagnose tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients in programmatic conditions: a multisite study.


: Determine TB-LAM is a urine-based point-of-care assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). : To assess the feasibility of using LAM to diagnose TB in adult HIV-positive patients in resource-limited settings.

Mathabire Rucker SC Cossa L Harrison RE Mpunga J Lobo S Kisaka Kimupelenge P Mandar Kol'Ampwe F Amoros Quiles I Molfino L Szumilin E Telnov O Ndlovu Z Huerga H
Global health action 2019 ; 12(1); 1672366. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2019.1672366. Epub 2019 10 15
Lipoarabinomannan diagnosis implementation low income settings tuberculosis

Who is telling the story? A systematic review of authorship for infectious disease research conducted in Africa, 1980-2016.


Introduction: Africa contributes little to the biomedical literature despite its high burden of infectious diseases. Global health research partnerships aimed at addressing Africa-endemic disease may be polarised.

Mbaye R Gebeyehu R Hossmann S Mbarga N Bih-Neh E Eteki L Thelma OA Oyerinde A Kiti G Mburu Y Haberer J Siedner M Okeke I Boum Y
BMJ global health 2019 ; 4(5); e001855. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001855. Epub 2019 10 18
HIV buruli ulcer clinical trial epidemiology tuberculosis

Stuck in the middle: a systematic review of authorship in collaborative health research in Africa, 2014-2016.


Background: Collaborations are often a cornerstone of global health research. Power dynamics can shape if and how local researchers are included in manuscripts.

Hedt-Gauthier BL Jeufack HM Neufeld NH Alem A Sauer S Odhiambo J Boum Y Shuchman M Volmink J
BMJ global health 2019 ; 4(5); e001853. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001853. Epub 2019 10 18
academic collaboration decolonizing global health global health research equity

Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C virus in Cambodia during 2016-2017.


In Cambodia, little epidemiological data of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is available. All previous studies were limited to only small or specific populations.

Nouhin J Iwamoto M Prak S Dousset JP Phon K Heng S Kerleguer A Le Paih M Dussart P Maman D Rouet F
Scientific reports 2019 May 13; 9(1); 7314. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43785-4. Epub 2019 05 13

Outcomes of Bedaquiline Treatment in Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.


Bedaquiline is recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis (TB).

Mbuagbaw L Guglielmetti L Hewison C Bakare N Bastard M Caumes E Fréchet-Jachym M Robert J Veziris N Khachatryan N Kotrikadze T Hayrapetyan A Avaliani Z Schünemann HJ Lienhardt C
Emerging infectious diseases 2019 May ; 25(5); 936-943. doi: 10.3201/eid2505.181823. Epub 2019 04 19
Armenia Asia China Europe France Georgia MDR South Africa TB XDR antimicrobial resistance bacteria bedaquiline extensively drug resistant individual patient data multidrug resistant tuberculosis tuberculosis and other mycobacteria

Plaidoyer contre l'exclusion des francophones dans la recherche en santé mondiale


La tenue de l'Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) à Kigali (Rwanda) début mars 2019 a été l'occasion d'organiser un atelier de discussion en français qui a permis de recueillir les témoignages de participants francophones sur l'impact

Roca A Boum Y Wachsmuth I
The Lancet Global Health
Francophone Research Scientists Publishing Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC)

A screening tool for psychological difficulties in children aged 6 to 36 months: cross-cultural validation in Kenya, Cambodia and Uganda.


BACKGROUND: In low-resource settings, the lack of mental health professionals and cross-culturally validated screening instruments complicates mental health care delivery. This is especially the case for very young children.

Nackers F Roederer T Marquer C Ashaba S Maling S Mwanga-Amumpaire J Muny S Sokeo C Shom V Palha M Lefèbvre P Kirubi BW Kamidigo G Falissard B Moro MR Grais RF
BMC pediatrics 2019 Apr 12; 19(1); 108. doi: 10.1186/s12887-019-1461-3. Epub 2019 04 12
Cambodia Kenya Low-income population Mental health Preschool children Psychology Screening Uganda Validation

High incidence of intended partner pregnancy among men living with HIV in rural Uganda: Implications for safer conception services.


BACKGROUND: Many men with HIV express fertility intentions and nearly half have HIV-uninfected sexual partners. We measured partner pregnancy among a cohort of men accessing antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Uganda.

Kaida A Kabakyenga J Bwana M Bajunirwe F Muyindike W Bennett K Kembabazi A Haberer JE Boum Y Martin JN Hunt PW Bangsberg DR Matthews LT
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2019 Apr 08; . doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002053. Epub 2019 04 08

Risk score for predicting mortality including urine lipoarabinomannan detection in hospital inpatients with HIV-associated tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa: Derivation and external validation cohort study.


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of and mortality from HIV-associated tuberculosis (HIV/TB) in hospital inpatients in Africa remains unacceptably high.

Gupta-Wright A Corbett EL Wilson D van Oosterhout JJ Dheda K Huerga H Peter J Bonnet M Alufandika-Moyo M Grint D Lawn SD Fielding K
PLoS medicine 2019 Apr ; 16(4); e1002776. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002776. Epub 2019 04 05