
High prevalence of infection and low incidence of disease in child contacts of patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis: a prospective cohort study.


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to measure the prevalence and incidence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and tuberculosis (TB) disease in children in close contact with patients with drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) in a country with high DR-TB pr

Huerga H Sanchez-Padilla E Melikyan N Atshemyan H Hayrapetyan A Ulumyan A Bastard M Khachatryan N Hewison C Varaine F Bonnet M
Archives of disease in childhood 2018 Dec 06; . doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2018-315411. Epub 2018 12 06
drug-resistance epidemiology infectious diseases screening tuberculosis
Camacho A Bouhenia M Azman AS Poncin M Zagaria N Luquero FJ
The Lancet. Global health 2018 Dec ; 6(12); e1284-e1285. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30395-4. Epub 2018 10 10

Oral cholera vaccination in hard-to-reach communities, Lake Chilwa, Malawi.


Objective: To evaluate vaccination coverage, identify reasons for non-vaccination and assess satisfaction with two innovative strategies for distributing second doses in an oral cholera vaccine campaign in 2016 in Lake Chilwa, Malawi,

Grandesso F Rafael F Chipeta S Alley I Saussier C Nogareda F Burns M Lechevalier P Page AL Salumu L Pezzoli L Mwesawina M Cavailler P Mengel M Luquero FJ Cohuet S
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2018 Dec 01; 96(12); 817-825. doi: 10.2471/BLT.17.206417. Epub 2018 09 27
Hewison C Bastard M Varaine F Huerga H
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2018 Dec 01; 22(12); 1524-1525. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.18.0472-2. Epub 2019 01 04

Prevalence and vaccination coverage of Hepatitis B among healthcare workers in Cameroon: A national seroprevalence survey.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is hyperendemic in Cameroon, and healthcare workers (HCWs) are at high risk of infection. We aimed to assess prevalence, risk factors and vaccine coverage of HBV infection among HCWs in Cameroon.

Bilounga Ndongo C Eteki L Siedner M Mbaye R Chen J Ntone R Donfack O Bongwong B Essaka Evoue R Zeh F Njouom R Nguefack-Tsague G Etoundi Mballa GA Biwole Sida M Boum Y
Journal of viral hepatitis 2018 Dec ; 25(12); 1582-1587. doi: 10.1111/jvh.12974. Epub 2018 08 28
Cameroon healthcare workers hepatitis B prevalence vaccine efficacy

Identifying human encounters that shape the transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae and other acute respiratory infections.


Although patterns of social contacts are believed to be an important determinant of infectious disease transmission, it remains unclear how the frequency and nature of human interactions shape an individual's risk of infection.

le Polain de Waroux O Flasche S Kucharski AJ Langendorf C Ndazima D Mwanga-Amumpaire J Grais RF Cohuet S Edmunds WJ
Epidemics 2018 12 ; 25 72-79. doi: 10.1016/j.epidem.2018.05.008. Epub 2018 05 19
Contact Infection Pneumococcus Respiratory Risk factor Transmission Uganda

Barriers to access to visceral leishmaniasis diagnosis and care among seasonal mobile workers in Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: A qualitative study.


BACKGROUND: Ethiopia bears a high burden of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Early access to VL diagnosis and care improves clinical prognosis and reduces transmission from infected humans; however, significant obstacles exist.

Coulborn RM Gebrehiwot TG Schneider M Gerstl S Adera C Herrero M Porten K den Boer M Ritmeijer K Alvar J Hassen A Mulugeta A
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2018 11 ; 12(11); e0006778. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006778. Epub 2018 11 08

Retention in care among clinically stable antiretroviral therapy patients following a six-monthly clinical consultation schedule: findings from a cohort study in rural Malawi.


INTRODUCTION: Longer intervals between clinic consultations for clinically stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) patients may improve retention in care and reduce facility workload.

Wringe A Cawley C Szumilin E Salumu L Amoros Quiles I Pasquier E Masiku C Nicholas S
Journal of the International AIDS Society 2018 Nov ; 21(11); e25207. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25207. Epub 2018 12 07
Malawi antiretroviral therapy cohort study differentiated care retention

CYP2B6 Genetic Polymorphisms, Depression, and Viral Suppression in Adults Living with HIV Initiating Efavirenz-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy Regimens in Uganda: Pooled Analysis of Two Prospective Studies.


Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CYP2B6 have been shown to predict variation in plasma efavirenz concentrations, but associations between these SNPs and efavirenz-mediated depression and viral suppression are less well described.

Chang JL Lee SA Tsai AC Musinguzi N Muzoora C Bwana B Boum Y Haberer JE Hunt PW Martin J Bangsberg DR Kroetz DL Siedner MJ
AIDS research and human retroviruses 2018 Nov ; 34(11); 982-992. doi: 10.1089/AID.2018.0062. Epub 2018 08 15
CYP2B6 HIV depression efavirenz single-nucleotide polymorphisms viral suppression