
Comparison of different treatments for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: Isoniazid-resistant, rifampicin-susceptible (INH-R) tuberculosis is the most common form of drug resistance, and is associated with failure, relapse, and acquired rifampicin resistance if treated with first-line anti-tuberc

Fregonese F Ahuja SD Akkerman OW Arakaki-Sanchez D Ayakaka I Baghaei P Bang D Bastos M Benedetti A Bonnet M Cattamanchi A Cegielski P Chien JY Cox H Dedicoat M Erkens C Escalante P Falzon D Garcia-Prats AJ Gegia M Gillespie SH Glynn JR Goldberg S Griffith D Jacobson KR Johnston JC Jones-López EC Khan A Koh WJ Kritski A Lan ZY Lee JH Li PZ Maciel EL Galliez RM Merle CSC Munang M Narendran G Nguyen VN Nunn A Ohkado A Park JS Phillips PPJ Ponnuraja C Reves R Romanowski K Seung K Schaaf HS Skrahina A Soolingen DV Tabarsi P Trajman A Trieu L Banurekha VV Viiklepp P Wang JY Yoshiyama T Menzies D
The Lancet. Respiratory medicine 2018 04 ; 6(4); 265-275. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(18)30078-X. Epub 2018 10 19

Syrian refugees in Greece: experience with violence, mental health status, and access to information during the journey and while in Greece.


BACKGROUND: Since 2015, Europe has been facing an unprecedented arrival of refugees and migrants: more than one million people entered via land and sea routes.

Ben Farhat J Blanchet K Juul Bjertrup P Veizis A Perrin C Coulborn RM Mayaud P Cohuet S
BMC medicine 2018 03 13; 16(1); 40. doi: 10.1186/s12916-018-1028-4. Epub 2018 03 13
Access Europe Greece Journey Mental health Migrants Refugees Syria Violence

High Proportions of Patients With Advanced HIV Are Antiretroviral Therapy Experienced: Hospitalization Outcomes From 2 Sub-Saharan African Sites.


Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains an important cause of hospitalization and death in low- and middle- income countries.

Ousley J Niyibizi AA Wanjala S Vandenbulcke A Kirubi B Omwoyo W Price J Salumu L Szumilin E Spiers S van Cutsem G Mashako M Mangana F Moudarichirou R Harrison R Kalwangila T Lumowo G Lambert V Maman D
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018 Mar 04; 66(suppl_2); S126-S131. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy103. Epub 2018 11 14

Progress towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals by age and gender in a rural area of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a household-based community cross-sectional survey.


BACKGROUND: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has developed an ambitious strategy to end the AIDS epidemic.

Huerga H Van Cutsem G Ben Farhat J Puren A Bouhenia M Wiesner L Dlamini L Maman D Ellman T Etard JF
BMC public health 2018 03 02; 18(1); 303. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5208-0. Epub 2018 03 02
Africa Cascade of care HIV UNAIDS targets Viral load

The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis.


BACKGROUND: Globally, the population of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV (APHs) continues to expand.

Slogrove AL Schomaker M Davies MA Williams P Balkan S Ben-Farhat J Calles N Chokephaibulkit K Duff C Eboua TF Kekitiinwa-Rukyalekere A Maxwell N Pinto J Seage G Teasdale CA Wanless S Warszawski J Wools-Kaloustian K Yotebieng M Timmerman V Collins IJ Goodall R Smith C Patel K Paul M Gibb D Vreeman R Abrams EJ Hazra R Van Dyke R Bekker LG Mofenson L Vicari M Essajee S Penazzato M Anabwani G Q Mohapi E N Kazembe P Hlatshwayo M Lumumba M Goetghebuer T Thorne C Galli L van Rossum A Giaquinto C Marczynska M Marques L Prata F Ene L Okhonskaia L Rojo P Fortuny C Naver L Rudin C Le Coeur S Volokha A Rouzier V Succi R Sohn A Kariminia A Edmonds A Lelo P Ayaya S Ongwen P Jefferys LF Phiri S Mubiana-Mbewe M Sawry S Renner L Sylla M Abzug MJ Levin M Oleske J Chernoff M Traite S Purswani M Chadwick EG Judd A Leroy V
PLoS medicine 2018 03 ; 15(3); e1002514. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002514. Epub 2018 03 01

Molecular markers of resistance to amodiaquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in an area with seasonal malaria chemoprevention in south central Niger.


BACKGROUND: In Niger, malaria transmission is markedly seasonal with most of the disease burden occurring in children during the rainy season.

Grais RF Laminou IM Woi-Messe L Makarimi R Bouriema SH Langendorf C Amambua-Ngwa A D'Alessandro U Guérin PJ Fandeur T Sibley CH
Malaria journal 2018 Feb 27; 17(1); 98. doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2242-4. Epub 2018 02 27
Malaria Niger Prevention Seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis
Ferreras E Chizema-Kawesha E Blake A Chewe O Mwaba J Zulu G Poncin M Rakesh A Page AL Stoitsova S Voute C Uzzeni F Robert H Serafini M Matapo B Eiros JM Quilici ML Pezzoli L Azman AS Cohuet S Ciglenecki I Malama K Luquero FJ
The New England journal of medicine 2018 02 08; 378(6); 577-579. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1711583. Epub 2018 02 14

Outcome of Children With Presumptive Tuberculosis in Mbarara, Rural Uganda.


BACKGROUND: Mortality among children with presumptive tuberculosis (TB) empiric TB treatment can be high. We describe the predictors of death among children with presumptive TB, and the relation between treatment and mortality.

Bonnet M Nansumba M Bastard M Orikiriza P Kyomugasho N Nansera D Boum Y de Beaudrap P Kiwanuka J Kumbakumba E
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2018 02 ; 37(2); 147-152. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000001727. Epub 2018 12 11

Improving rotavirus vaccine coverage: Can newer-generation and locally produced vaccines help?


There are two internationally available WHO-prequalified oral rotavirus vaccines (Rotarix and RotaTeq), two rotavirus vaccines licensed in India (Rotavac and Rotasiil), one in China (Lanzhou lamb rotavirus vaccine) and one in Vietnam (Rotavin-M1), and

Deen J Lopez AL Kanungo S Wang XY Anh DD Tapia M Grais RF
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 2018 02 01; 14(2); 495-499. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2017.1403705. Epub 2017 12 21
Rotavirus rotavirus vaccination rotavirus vaccine