
Improving Estimates of Numbers of Children With Severe Acute Malnutrition Using Cohort and Survey Data.


Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is reported to affect 19 million children worldwide. However, this estimate is based on prevalence data from cross-sectional surveys and can be expected to miss some children affected by an acute condition such as SAM.

Isanaka S Boundy EO Grais RF Myatt M Briend A
American journal of epidemiology 2016 12 15; 184(12); 861-869. doi: 10.1093/aje/kww129. Epub 2016 11 17
disease burden incidence malnutrition prevalence severe acute malnutrition

Development of a Prediction Model for Ebola Virus Disease: A Retrospective Study in Nzérékoré Ebola Treatment Center, Guinea.


The 2014 Ebola epidemic has shown the importance of accurate and rapid triage tools for patients with suspected Ebola virus disease (EVD). Our objective was to create a predictive score for EVD.

Loubet P Palich R Kojan R Peyrouset O Danel C Nicholas S Conde M Porten K Augier A Yazdanpanah Y
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2016 Dec 07; 95(6); 1362-1367. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0026. Epub 2016 10 10

Who Needs to Be Targeted for HIV Testing and Treatment in KwaZulu-Natal? Results From a Population-Based Survey.


INTRODUCTION: Identifying gaps in HIV testing and treatment is essential to design specific strategies targeting those not accessing HIV services.

Huerga H Van Cutsem G Ben Farhat J Reid M Bouhenia M Maman D Wiesner L Etard JF Ellman T
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016 Dec 01; 73(4); 411-418. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001081. Epub 2017 06 05

Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage 4 comprises globally distributed and geographically restricted sublineages.


Generalist and specialist species differ in the breadth of their ecological niches. Little is known about the niche width of obligate human pathogens.

Stucki D Brites D Jeljeli L Coscolla M Liu Q Trauner A Fenner L Rutaihwa L Borrell S Luo T Gao Q Kato-Maeda M Ballif M Egger M Macedo R Mardassi H Moreno M Tudo Vilanova G Fyfe J Globan M Thomas J Jamieson F Guthrie JL Asante-Poku A Yeboah-Manu D Wampande E Ssengooba W Joloba M Henry Boom W Basu I Bower J Saraiva M Vaconcellos SEG Suffys P Koch A Wilkinson R Gail-Bekker L Malla B Ley SD Beck HP de Jong BC Toit K Sanchez-Padilla E Bonnet M Gil-Brusola A Frank M Penlap Beng VN Eisenach K Alani I Wangui Ndung'u P Revathi G Gehre F Akter S Ntoumi F Stewart-Isherwood L Ntinginya NE Rachow A Hoelscher M Cirillo DM Skenders G Hoffner S Bakonyte D Stakenas P Diel R Crudu V Moldovan O Al-Hajoj S Otero L Barletta F Jane Carter E Diero L Supply P Comas I Niemann S Gagneux S
Nature genetics 2016 12 ; 48(12); 1535-1543. doi: 10.1038/ng.3704. Epub 2016 10 31

Regional Anesthesia for Painful Injuries after Disasters (RAPID): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.


BACKGROUND: Lower extremity trauma during earthquakes accounts for the largest burden of disaster-related injuries.

Levine AC Teicher C Aluisio AR Wiskel T Valles P Trelles M Glavis-Bloom J Grais RF
Trials 2016 11 14; 17(1); 542. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1671-z. Epub 2016 11 14
Earthquake Humanitarian response Natural disaster Pain management Randomized controlled trial Regional anesthesia

Screening for Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Using Three Detection Methods: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Southwestern Uganda.


Despite the potential benefit of primaquine in reducing Plasmodium falciparum transmission and radical cure of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale infections, concerns over risk of hemolytic toxicity in individuals with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogen

Roh ME Oyet C Orikiriza P Wade M Mwanga-Amumpaire J Boum Y Kiwanuka GN Parikh S
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2016 Nov 02; 95(5); 1094-1099. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0552. Epub 2016 09 26

Factors associated with HIV status awareness and Linkage to Care following home based testing in rural Malawi.


OBJECTIVE: HIV diagnosis and linkage to care are the main barriers in Africa to achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets.

Maman D Ben-Farhat J Chilima B Masiku C Salumu L Ford N Mendiharat P Szumilin E Masson S Etard JF
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2016 Nov ; 21(11); 1442-1451. doi: 10.1111/tmi.12772. Epub 2016 10 07
Afrique subsaharienne Epidemiología Vinculación con atención sanitaria cascada de tratamiento cascade de soins cascade of care connexion aux soins enquête de population epidemiology estudio de poblaciones linkage to care population survey sub-Saharan Africa África Subsahariana épidémiologie

Effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in response to an outbreak: a case-cohort study.


BACKGROUND: Oral cholera vaccines represent a new effective tool to fight cholera and are licensed as two-dose regimens with 2-4 weeks between doses.

Azman AS Parker LA Rumunu J Tadesse F Grandesso F Deng LL Lino RL Bior BK Lasuba M Page AL Ontweka L Llosa AE Cohuet S Pezzoli L Sodjinou DV Abubakar A Debes AK Mpairwe AM Wamala JF Jamet C Lessler J Sack DA Quilici ML Ciglenecki I Luquero FJ
The Lancet. Global health 2016 Nov ; 4(11); . doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(16)30211-X. Epub 2017 11 27