
Global phylogeography and evolutionary history of Shigella dysenteriae type 1.


Together with plague, smallpox and typhus, epidemics of dysentery have been a major scourge of human populations for centuries(1).

Njamkepo E Fawal N Tran-Dien A Hawkey J Strockbine N Jenkins C Talukder KA Bercion R Kuleshov K Kolínská R Russell JE Kaftyreva L Accou-Demartin M Karas A Vandenberg O Mather AE Mason CJ Page AJ Ramamurthy T Bizet C Gamian A Carle I Sow AG Bouchier C Wester AL Lejay-Collin M Fonkoua MC Le Hello S Blaser MJ Jernberg C Ruckly C Mérens A Page AL Aslett M Roggentin P Fruth A Denamur E Venkatesan M Bercovier H Bodhidatta L Chiou CS Clermont D Colonna B Egorova S Pazhani GP Ezernitchi AV Guigon G Harris SR Izumiya H Korzeniowska-Kowal A Lutyńska A Gouali M Grimont F Langendorf C Marejková M Peterson LA Perez-Perez G Ngandjio A Podkolzin A Souche E Makarova M Shipulin GA Ye C Žemličková H Herpay M Grimont PA Parkhill J Sansonetti P Holt KE Brisse S Thomson NR Weill FX
Nature microbiology 2016 03 21; 1 16027. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.27. Epub 2016 03 21

High-resolution spatial analysis of cholera patients reported in Artibonite department, Haiti in 2010-2011.


BACKGROUND: Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholerae, and is transmitted through fecal-oral contact. Infection occurs after the ingestion of the bacteria and is usually asymptomatic.

Allan M Grandesso F Pierre R Magloire R Coldiron M Martinez-Pino I Goffeau T Gitenet R François G Olson D Porten K Luquero FJ
Epidemics 2016 Mar ; 14 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.epidem.2015.08.001. Epub 2015 09 03
Cholera Haiti Kulldorf Relative risk Spatial analysis

Light-emitting diode fluorescence microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis: a meta-analysis.


Light-emitting diode fluorescence microscopy (LED-FM) is recommended by the World Health Organization to replace conventional Ziehl-Neelsen microscopy for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis. Uptake of LED-FM has been slow.

Chang EW Page AL Bonnet M
The European respiratory journal 2016 Mar ; 47(3); 929-37. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00978-2015. Epub 2015 12 02

Mortality Rates during Cholera Epidemic, Haiti, 2010-2011.


The 2010 cholera epidemic in Haiti was one of the largest cholera epidemics ever recorded.

Luquero FJ Rondy M Boncy J Munger A Mekaoui H Rymshaw E Page AL Toure B Degail MA Nicolas S Grandesso F Ginsbourger M Polonsky J Alberti KP Terzian M Olson D Porten K Ciglenecki I
Emerging infectious diseases 2016 Mar ; 22(3); 410-6. doi: 10.3201/eid2203.141970. Epub 2016 11 02
Haiti bacteria burden cholera epidemic mortality outbreak

Routine Amoxicillin for Uncomplicated Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children.


BACKGROUND: High-quality evidence supporting a community-based treatment protocol for children with severe acute malnutrition, including routine antibiotic use at admission to a nutritional treatment program, remains limited.

Isanaka S Langendorf C Berthé F Gnegne S Li N Ousmane N Harouna S Hassane H Schaefer M Adehossi E Grais RF
The New England journal of medicine 2016 Feb 04; 374(5); 444-53. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1507024. Epub 2016 02 12

Identification of patients who could benefit from bedaquiline or delamanid: a multisite MDR-TB cohort study.


BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends adding bedaquiline or delamanid to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) regimens for which four effective drugs are not available, and delamanid for patients at high risk of poo

Bonnet M Bastard M du Cros P Khamraev A Kimenye K Khurkhumal S Hayrapetyan A Themba D Telnov A Sanchez-Padilla E Hewison C Varaine F
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2016 Feb ; 20(2); 177-86. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.15.0962. Epub 2017 01 10

Effect of Artesunate-Amodiaquine on Mortality Related to Ebola Virus Disease.


BACKGROUND: Malaria treatment is recommended for patients with suspected Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa, whether systeomatically or based on confirmed malaria diagnosis.

Gignoux E Azman AS de Smet M Azuma P Massaquoi M Job D Tiffany A Petrucci R Sterk E Potet J Suzuki M Kurth A Cannas A Bocquin A Strecker T Logue C Pottage T Yue C Cabrol JC Serafini M Ciglenecki I
The New England journal of medicine 2016 Jan 07; 374(1); 23-32. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1504605. Epub 2016 01 19