
Effectiveness of Bedaquiline Use Beyond Six Months in Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.


RATIONALE: Current recommendations for the treatment of rifampin- and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis include bedaquiline used for six months or longer. Evidence is needed to inform the optimal duration of bedaquiline.

Trevisi L Hernán MA Mitnick CD Khan U Seung KJ Rich ML Bastard M Huerga H Melikyan N Atwood S Avaliani Z Llanos F Manzur-Ul-Alam M Zarli K Binedgie AB Adnan S Melikyan A Gelin A Isani AK Vetushko D Daugarina Z Nkundanyirazo P Putri FA Vilbrun C Khan M Hewison C Khan PY Franke MF
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2023 Feb 21; . doi: 10.1164/rccm.202211-2125OC. Epub 2023 02 21
duration endTB observational study inverse probability weighting rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis target trial

Estimating COVID-19 vaccine uptake and its drivers among migrants, homeless and precariously housed people in France.


BACKGROUND: Migrants, people experiencing homelessness (PEH), or precariously housed (PH) are at high risk for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19.

Roederer T Mollo B Vincent C Leduc G Sayyad-Hilario J Mosnier M Vandentorren S
Communications medicine 2023 Feb 20; 3(1); . doi: 10.1038/s43856-023-00257-1. Epub 2023 02 20
covid-19 vaccine migrants France

Effect of large-scale mass drug administration for malaria on mortality and morbidity in Angumu health zone, Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo.


BACKGROUND: Angumu health zone in Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo, is a highly malaria-endemic area with an overburdened health system and hosting internally displaced persons (IDP).

Grout L Katuala Givo Y Newport T Mahamat TA Gitahi P Mandagot JJ Quere M Wodon S Ciglenecki I Bastard M Baelongandi F Tshulo L Uluba HJ Sterk E Gignoux E
Malaria journal 2023 Feb 06; 22(1); . doi: 10.1186/s12936-023-04469-7. Epub 2023 02 06
Democratic Republic of Congo Malaria Mass drug administration (MDA) Mortality Prevention

Anthropometric criteria for best identifying children at high risk of mortality: a pooled analysis of 12 cohorts.


OBJECTIVE: To understand which anthropometric diagnostic criteria best discriminate higher from lower risk of death in children and explore programme implications.

Khara T Myatt M Sadler K Bahwere P Berkley JA Black RE Boyd E Garenne M Isanaka S Lelijveld N McDonald C Mertens A Mwangome M O'Brien K Stobaugh H Taneja S West KP Briend A
Public health nutrition 2023 Feb 03; . doi: 10.1017/S136898002300023X. Epub 2023 02 03
Anthropometry Child survival Mid-upper arm circumference Mortality Therapeutic feeding Underweight Wasting, Stunting

Epidemiological characteristics and real-world treatment outcomes of hepatitis C among HIV/HCV co-infected patients in Myanmar: A prospective cohort study.


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In Myanmar, public sector treatment programs for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were nonexistent until June 2017.

Swe TM Johnson DC Mar HT Thit P Homan T Chu CM Mon PE Thwe TT Soe KP Ei WLSS Tun NL Lwin KZ Karakozian H Aung KS Nguyen A Ciglenecki I Tamayo N Loarec A
Health science reports 2023 Feb ; 6(2); . doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1119. Epub 2023 02 17
HIV Myanmar epidemiology hepatitis C sustained virologic response

Prognostic value of different anthropometric indices over different measurement intervals to predict mortality in 6-59-month-old children.


OBJECTIVE: To compare the prognostic value of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), weight-for-height z-score (WHZ) and weight-for-age z-score (WAZ) for predicting death over periods of one, three and six months follow-up in children.

Briend A Myatt M Berkley JA Black RE Boyd E Garenne M Lelijveld N Isanaka S McDonald CM Mwangwome M O'Brien KS Schwinger C Stobaugh H Taneja S West KP Khara T
Public health nutrition 2023 Feb 01; . doi: 10.1017/S1368980023000149. Epub 2023 02 01
Anthropometry Mid-upper arm circumference Mortality Stunting Underweight Wasting

Predictive performance of interferon-gamma release assays and the tuberculin skin test for incident tuberculosis: an individual participant data meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: Evidence on the comparative performance of purified protein derivative tuberculin skin tests (TST) and interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) for predicting incident active tuberculosis (TB) remains conflicting.

Hamada Y Gupta RK Quartagno M Izzard A Acuna-Villaorduna C Altet N Diel R Dominguez J Floyd S Gupta A Huerga H Jones-López EC Kinikar A Lange C van Leth F Liu Q Lu W Lu P Rueda IL Martinez L Mbandi SK Muñoz L Padilla ES Paradkar M Scriba T Sester M Shanaube K Sharma SK Sloot R Sotgiu G Thiruvengadam K Vashishtha R Abubakar I Rangaka MX
EClinicalMedicine 2023 Feb ; 56; . doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101815. Epub 2023 01 05
IGRA LTBI Prevention Prophylaxis Tuberculin skin test

A global core outcome measurement set for snakebite clinical trials.


Snakebite clinical trials have often used heterogeneous outcome measures and there is an urgent need for standardisation.

Abouyannis M Esmail H Hamaluba M Ngama M Mwangudzah H Mumba N Yeri BK Mwalukore S Alphan HJ Aggarwal D Alcoba G Cammack N Chippaux JP Coldiron ME Gutiérrez JM Habib AG Harrison RA Isbister GK Lavonas EJ Martins D Ribeiro I Watson JA Williams DJ Casewell NR Walker SA Lalloo DG
The Lancet. Global health 2023 Feb ; 11(2); . doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(22)00479-X. Epub 2023 01 25

Breakthrough treatments for Ebola virus disease, but no access-what went wrong, and how can we do better?


Three years since proving effective for Ebola virus disease in a clinical trial, two breakthrough treatments are registered and stockpiled in the USA but still not registered and generally available in the countries most affected by this deadly infecti

Torreele E Boum Y Adjaho I Alé FGB Issoufou SH Harczi G Okonta C Olliaro P
The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2023 Jan 19; . doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00810-6. Epub 2023 01 19