
Dan Nyehangane et son équipe dans le centre de Mbarara

Epicentre Research Centre in Uganda is among accredited Laboratories to carry out COVID-19 testing

Published on 08.02.2021
The Epicentre Research Centre in Uganda is one of 20 centres in the country accredited to perform PCR testing for covid-19. Dan Nyehangane, Lab coordi...
Covid19 Mbarara
covid gymnase_MSF_SeroPrevalence

Covid-19: High seroprevalence of antibodies among people living in precarious situations in île-de-France

Published on 06.02.2021
A seroprevalence survey conducted by Epicentre with MSF and Pasteur Institut
SARS-CoV-2 COVID seroprevalence Precarious France
Yap Boum

Ways to better diagnose Buruli Ulcer

Published on 27.01.2021
Burili ulcer is an infectious disease classified as a neglected tropical disease by the WHO. One of the challenges is to improve diagnosis, which is s...
Buruli Ulcer
Traitement par chimiothérapie au Centro de Referencia de Alto-Maé à Maputo au Mozambique

Towards a better and more effective treatment of AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma in Mozambique

Published on 21.01.2021
A study conducted in Mozambique by MSF, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, the Mozambique Ministry of Health and Epicentre shows pegylated liposomal d...
Kaposi’s sarcoma HIV
Un homme se fait vacciner contre la fièvre jaune à Kinshasa, en RDC. © Dieter Telemans

Partial doses of yellow fever vaccine can help save more lives during outbreaks

Published on 12.01.2021
Giving people a fraction of a yellow fever vaccine is effective and could help vaccinate millions more people during emergencies, according to results...
Yellow Fever Vaccination
Figaro - Fight against malaria

The fight against malaria at a standstill

Published on 02.12.2020
The Covid crisis aggravates the difficulties in the face of a disease which is receding but which remains very deadly.
Malaria Covid-19
Humanitarian alternatives

A humanitarian perspective on the French response to the coronavirus epidemic

Published on 01.12.2020
Emmanuel Baron et Michaël Neuman examine certain aspects of the French response to the epidemic in the light of the experience of Médecins Sans Fronti...
Covid-19 Pandemic Humanitarian France
Believe or convince

Believe or convince, you have to choose

Published on 27.11.2020
Emmanuel Baron, Director of Epicentre: To fight the pandemic, public policies must be underpinned by scientific knowledge acquired through field studi...
Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus, modalities of intervention in Africa

NGOs need to diversify their modalities of intervention in Africa

Published on 27.08.2020
According to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the uncertain evolution of the epidemic is forcing health and humanitarian actors to "move away from trad...
Covid-19 Coronavirus Epidemic Pandemic
Coronavirus, intro news Q&A

Covid-19: Questions & Answers

Published on 12.06.2020
Many scientific questions are still outstanding. This is an emerging virus, and the immunity it causes in humans is far from being fully explored.
Covid-19 Q&A