
Diagnostic value of the urine lipoarabinomannan assay in HIV-positive, ambulatory patients with CD4 below 200 cells/μl in 2 low-resource settings: A prospective observational study.


BACKGROUND: Current guidelines recommend the use of the lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay (LAM) in HIV-positive, ambulatory patients with signs and symptoms of tuberculosis (TB) only if they are seriously ill or have CD4 count

Huerga H Mathabire Rucker SC Cossa L Bastard M Amoros I Manhiça I Mbendera K Telnov A Szumilin E Sanchez-Padilla E Molfino L
PLoS medicine 2019 Apr ; 16(4); e1002792. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002792. Epub 2019 04 30

Further evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the sputum of culture-negative pulmonary tuberculosis suspects using an ultrasensitive molecular assay.


BACKGROUND: Rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is critical to TB control. However, many patients with paucibacillary TB disease remain undiagnosed. Current TB elimination goals require new tools to diagnose early disease.

Madico G Vinhas S Orr B White L Gaeddert M Miller NS Mpeirwe M Orikiriza P Mwanga-Amumpaire J Boum Y Palaci M Dietze R Jones-López EC
Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2019 Mar 23; 116 1-7. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2019 03 23
Culture-negative disease Diagnosis Genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis Paucibacillary disease

Linear growth faltering and the role of weight attainment: Prospective analysis of young children recovering from severe wasting in Niger.


Efforts to reduce the impact of stunting have been largely independent of interventions to reduce the impact of wasting, despite the observation that the conditions can coexist in the same child and increase risk of death.

Isanaka S Hitchings MDT Berthé F Briend A Grais RF
Maternal & child nutrition 2019 Mar 23; e12817. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12817. Epub 2019 03 23
Niger child malnutrition linear growth stunting wasting weight gain

Treatment outcomes of patients switching from an injectable drug to bedaquiline during short standardized MDR-TB treatment in Mozambique.


Bedaquiline was recommended by WHO as the preferred option in treatment of MDR-TB patients with long regimen. However, no recommendation was given for the short MDR-TB regimen.

Bastard M Molfino L Mutaquiha C Galindo MA Zindoga P Vaz D Mahinça I du Cros P Rusch B Telnov A
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2019 Mar 11; . doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz196. Epub 2019 03 11

Control of Ebola virus disease outbreaks: Comparison of health care worker-targeted and community vaccination strategies.


BACKGROUND: Health care workers (HCW) are at risk of infection during Ebola virus disease outbreaks and therefore may be targeted for vaccination before or during outbreaks.

Robert A Camacho A Edmunds WJ Baguelin M Muyembe Tamfum JJ Rosello A Kéïta S Eggo RM
Epidemics 2019 Mar 02; . doi: 10.1016/j.epidem.2019.03.001. Epub 2019 03 02
Ebola Health care workers Outbreak control Public health Vaccination

Deriving the optimal limit of detection for an HCV point-of-care test for viraemic infection: Analysis of a global dataset.


BACKGROUND & AIMS: Affordable point-of-care tests for hepatitis C (HCV) viraemia are needed to improve access to treatment in low- and middle-income countries.

Freiman JM Wang J Easterbrook PJ Horsburgh CR Marinucci F White LF Kamkamidze G Krajden M Loarec A Njouom R Nguyen KV Shiha G Soliman R Solomon SS Tsertsvadze T Denkinger CM Linas B
Journal of hepatology 2019 Feb 21; . doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.02.011. Epub 2019 02 21
Diagnosis Hepatitis C virus Limit of detection Point-of-care Viraemia, Affordable

Estimating cholera incidence with cross-sectional serology.


The development of new approaches to cholera control relies on an accurate understanding of cholera epidemiology.

Azman AS Lessler J Luquero FJ Bhuiyan TR Khan AI Chowdhury F Kabir A Gurwith M Weil AA Harris JB Calderwood SB Ryan ET Qadri F Leung DT
Science translational medicine 2019 Feb 20; 11(480); . doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau6242. Epub 2019 03 29

Mortality in the first six months among HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients empirically treated for tuberculosis.


BACKGROUND: Empirical treatment of tuberculosis (TB) may be necessary in patients with negative or no Xpert MTB/RIF results.

Huerga H Ferlazzo G Wanjala S Bastard M Bevilacqua P Ardizzoni E Sitienei J Bonnet M
BMC infectious diseases 2019 Feb 11; 19(1); 132. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-3775-z. Epub 2019 02 11
Diagnosis Empirical treatment HIV Mortality Resource-constrained Tuberculosis