Screening for psychological difficulties in young children in crisis: complementary cross-cultural validation.

Marquer C Barry C Mouchenik Y Djibo DM Manzo ML Trujillo Maza EM Githaiga S Casas G Kirubi BW Marichez H Falissard B Moro MR Grais RF
International health 2015 Nov ; 7(6); 438-46. doi: 10.1093/inthealth/ihv006. Epub 2015 03 04
Children Cross cultural validation Humanitarian emergency Intervention Mental health Screening tool


BACKGROUND: Detection of children's psychological difficulties in crises and low resource settings is challenged by the lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool. We present the results of two confirmatory validations of the Psychological Screening for Young Children aged 3 to 6 years (PSYCa 3-6) scale.

METHODS: We performed cross-cultural validations, assessing the performance of the scale in different contexts. These were conducted in Mathare, Nairobi, Kenya and Buenaventura, Colombia between December 2009 and February 2012. External validity was assessed comparing the PSYCa 3-6 against a clinical interview and the Clinical Global Impression Severity scale (CGI).

RESULTS: A total of 160 mothers or caregivers of children 3 to 6 years old in Mathare and 148 in Buenaventura were included in the study. Both demonstrated good concurrent validity (Buenaventura ρ=0.49, p0.0001; Mathare ρ=0.41, p0.0001). Inter-rater reliability was found to be acceptable in Buenaventura (intraclass correlation [ICC]=0.69 [0.4-0.84]) and high in Mathare (0.87 [0.75-0.94]).

CONCLUSIONS: As shown by its validation in diverse contexts, use in other populations may help improve the delivery of mental health care to children in crises and low-resource settings. Additional research on the design and delivery of intervention models for crises remains essential.

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