Clinical utility of the FilmArray® meningitis/encephalitis panel in children with suspected central nervous system infection in a low-resource setting - a prospective study in Southwestern Uganda.
BACKGROUND: In low-resource settings, limited laboratory capacity adds to the burden of central nervous system (CNS) infections in children and spurs overuse of antibiotics.
Initial evaluation of a new cervical screening strategy combining human papillomavirus genotyping and automated visual evaluation: the Human Papillomavirus-Automated Visual Evaluation Consortium.
The HPV-Automated Visual Evaluation (PAVE) Consortium is validating a cervical screening strategy enabling accurate cervical screening in resource-limited settings.
Understanding the medical challenges for the diagnosis and treatment of bilateral pitting oedema in children: a qualitative study.
Severely malnourished patients can present with bilateral pitting oedema, which is a common sign of Kwashiorkor. However, bilateral pitting oedema can also be an expression of other pathologies.
High confidence and demand for hepatitis E vaccine during an outbreak in Bentiu, South Sudan: A qualitative study.
In 2021 in response to an outbreak of hepatitis E in Bentiu internally displaced persons camp the South Sudanese Ministry of Health with support from Médecins Sans Frontières implemented the first-ever mass reactive vaccination campaign with HEV239 (He
Low-Dose Yellow Fever Vaccine in Adults in Africa.
BACKGROUND: Yellow fever vaccine is highly effective with a single dose, but vaccine supply is limited. The minimum dose requirements for seroconversion remain unknown.
Impact of a multi-pronged cholera intervention in an endemic setting.
Cholera is a bacterial water-borne diarrheal disease transmitted via the fecal-oral route that causes high morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. It is preventable with vaccination, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) improvements.
Antibiotic resistance in the Middle East and Southern Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
INTRODUCTION: Despite global surveillance efforts, antibiotic resistance (ABR) is difficult to address in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Safety of 3-month rifampicin-isoniazid TPT in child household contacts in a community-based intervention.
BACKGROUNDThe WHO recommends shorter TB preventive treatment (TPT) regimens and decentralised delivery models to improve effectiveness.