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Point-of-Care Approaches for Meningitis Diagnosis in a Low-Resource Setting (Southwestern Uganda): Observational Cohort Study Protocol of the "PI-POC" Trial.


BACKGROUND: A timely differential diagnostic is essential to identify the etiology of central nervous system (CNS) infections in children, in order to facilitate targeted treatment, manage patients, and improve clinical outcome.

Gaudenzi G Kumbakumba E Rasti R Nanjebe D Réu P Nyehangane D Mårtensson A Nassejje M Karlsson J Mzee J Nilsson P Businge S Loh E Boum Ii Y Andersson-Svahn H Gantelius J Mwanga-Amumpaire J Alfvén T
JMIR research protocols 2020 Nov 04; 9(11); e21430. doi: 10.2196/21430. Epub 2020 11 04
Uganda central nervous system infections children diagnostics global health low-resource settings meningitis pediatrics

Household air pollution and under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of 14 demographic and health surveys.


BACKGROUND: Globally, over four million deaths are attributed to exposure to household air pollution (HAP) annually.

Bickton FM Ndeketa L Sibande GT Nkeramahame J Payesa C Milanzi EB
Environmental health and preventive medicine 2020 Nov 04; 25(1); 67. doi: 10.1186/s12199-020-00902-4. Epub 2020 11 04
Demographic Health Survey Household air pollution Sub-Saharan Africa Under-five mortality

Cost-effectiveness of screening and treatment using direct-acting antivirals for chronic Hepatitis C virus in a primary care setting in Karachi, Pakistan.


Despite the availability of effective direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatments for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, many people remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Mafirakureva N Lim AG Khalid GG Aslam K Campbell L Zahid H Van den Bergh R Falq G Fortas C Wailly Y Auat R Donchuk D Loarec A Coast J Vickerman P Walker JG
Journal of viral hepatitis 2020 Oct 14; doi: 10.1111/jvh.13422. Epub 2020 10 14
Pakistan chronic hepatitis C cost effectiveness low income population treatment costs

‘Being Stuck’: Refugees’ Experiences of Enforced Waiting in Greece.


Waiting has traditionally been considered a passive state and Hage (2009) identified a sense of ‘stuckedness’, as the cornerstones of social life become suspended when liminality turns into protracted waiting (Hage 2009).

Bjertrup PJ Farhat JB Bouhenia M Neuman M Mayaud P Blanchet K
Immobility and Medicine 2020 (pp. 39-59)
Refugees Greece

Introducing new and repurposed TB drugs: the endTB experience.


In 2015, the initiative Expand New Drug Markets for TB (endTB) began, with the objective of reducing barriers to access to the new and repurposed TB drugs. Here we describe the major implementation challenges encountered in 17 endTB countries.

Seung KJ Khan U Varaine F Ahmed S Bastard M Cloez S Damtew D Franke MF Herboczek K Huerga H Islam S Karakozian H Khachatryan N Kliesckova J Khan AJ Khan M Khan P Kotrikadze T Lachenal N Lecca L Lenggogeni P Maretbayeva S Melikyan N Mesic A Mitnick CD Mofolo M Perrin C Richard M Tassew YM Telnov A Vilbrun SC Wanjala S Rich ML Hewison C
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2020 Oct 01; 24(10); 1081-1086. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.20.0141. Epub 2020 11 02

Cluster randomized trials


Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM) has recently emerged as a critical field for research, policy, and practice as a result of the growing recognition of health as a core dimension in disaster risk management.

Coldiron Matthew Grais Rebecca
WHO Guidance on Research Methods for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management 2020 0ctober 01; Chapter 4.3; 262-270
Clinical trial

Estimation of Rift Valley fever virus spillover to humans during the Mayotte 2018-2019 epidemic.


Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an emerging, zoonotic, arboviral hemorrhagic fever threatening livestock and humans mainly in Africa. RVF is of global concern, having expanded its geographical range over the last decades.

Métras R Edmunds WJ Youssouffi C Dommergues L Fournié G Camacho A Funk S Cardinale E Le Godais G Combo S Filleul L Youssouf H Subiros M
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020 Sep 29; 117(39); 24567-24574. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2004468117. Epub 2020 09 14
One Health Rift Valley fever epidemics modeling spillover