Use of Vibrio cholerae vaccine in an outbreak in Guinea.
BACKGROUND: The use of vaccines to prevent and control cholera is currently under debate.
BACKGROUND: The use of vaccines to prevent and control cholera is currently under debate.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether earlier initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is associated with better economic outcomes.
Outbreaks of Ebola and Marburg virus diseases have recently increased in frequency in Uganda.
SETTING: In 2007, the World Health Organization recommended introducing rapid Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture into the diagnostic algorithm of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (TB).
BACKGROUND: Efficient malaria vector control requires knowledge of spatio-temporal vector dynamics. We have classified village groups according to the biting rate profiles of both Anopheles coluzzii and An.
Knowledge of rotavirus epidemiology is necessary to make informed decisions about vaccine introduction and to evaluate vaccine impact.
The social rejection of the polio eradication campaign in endemic countries challenges an assumption underlying the goal itself: the full compliance of an entire population to a public health programme.
BACKGROUND: Studies have shown high levels of distress and mental disorder among people living in refugee camps, yet none has confirmed diagnosis through clinical reappraisal.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a humanitarian organisation which provides emergency medical aid in challenging settings; field staff often diagnose and treat patients using limited resources and without the expertise of specialists.