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Challenges in measuring measles case fatality ratios in settings without vital registration.


Measles, a highly infectious vaccine-preventable viral disease, is potentially fatal. Historically, measles case-fatality ratios (CFRs) have been reported to vary from 0.1% in the developed world to as high as 30% in emergency settings.

Cairns KL Nandy R Grais RF
Emerging themes in epidemiology 2010 Jul 19; 7(1); 4. doi: 10.1186/1742-7622-7-4. Epub 2010 07 19

Vital status of pre-ART and ART patients defaulting from care in rural Malawi.


OBJECTIVES: To ascertain the outcome of pre-Antiretroviral therapy (ART) and ART patients defaulting from care and investigate reasons for defaulting.

McGuire M Munyenyembe T Szumilin E Heinzelmann A Le Paih M Bouithy N Pujades-Rodríguez M
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2010 Jun ; 15 Suppl 1 55-62. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02504.x. Epub 2011 05 02

Prioritising prevention strategies for patients in antiretroviral treatment programmes in resource-limited settings.


Expanded access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) offers opportunities to strengthen HIV prevention in resource-limited settings.

Spaar A Graber C Dabis F Coutsoudis A Bachmann L McIntyre J Schechter M Prozesky HW Tuboi S Dickinson D Kumarasamy N Pujdades-Rodriquez M Sprinz E Schilthuis HJ Cahn P Low N Egger M
AIDS care 2010 Jun ; 22(6); 775-83. doi: 10.1080/09540120903349102. Epub 2010 11 29

Added value of bleach sedimentation microscopy for diagnosis of tuberculosis: a cost-effectiveness study.


SETTING: Bleach sedimentation is a method used to increase the diagnostic yield of sputum microscopy for countries with a high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and limited resources.

Bonnet M Tajahmady A Hepple P Ramsay A Githui W Gagdnidze L Guérin PJ Varaine F
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2010 May ; 14(5); 571-7. doi: . Epub 2010 07 22

Antiretroviral therapy outcomes in resource-limited settings for HIV-infected children


OBJECTIVE: We describe medium-term outcomes for young children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-limited countries.

METHODS: Analyses were conducted on surveillance data for children

Sauvageot D Schaefer M Olson D Pujades-Rodriguez M O'Brien DP
Pediatrics 2010 May ; 125(5); e1039-47. doi: 10.1542/peds.2009-1062. Epub 2010 04 12

In vivo parasitological measures of artemisinin susceptibility.


Parasite clearance data from 18,699 patients with falciparum malaria treated with an artemisinin derivative in areas of low (n=14,539), moderate (n=2077), and high (n=2083) levels of malaria transmission across the world were analyzed to determine the

Stepniewska K Ashley E Lee SJ Anstey N Barnes KI Binh TQ D'Alessandro U Day NP de Vries PJ Dorsey G Guthmann JP Mayxay M Newton PN Olliaro P Osorio L Price RN Rowland M Smithuis F Taylor WR Nosten F White NJ
The Journal of infectious diseases 2010 Feb 15; 201(4); 570-9. doi: 10.1086/650301. Epub 2010 03 08