Spatiotemporal Modeling of Cholera, Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2016-2020.

Ratnayake R Knee J Cumming O Saidi JM Rumedeka BB Finger F Azman AS Edmunds WJ Checchi F Gallandat K
Emerging infectious diseases 2024 Aug ; 30(8); . doi: 10.3201/eid3008.231137. Epub 2024 07 23
Democratic Republic of the Congo Vibrio cholerae bacteria cholera disease clusters outbreaks prevention AND control spatiotemporal modeling transmission dynamics


We evaluated the spatiotemporal clustering of rapid diagnostic test-positive cholera cases in Uvira, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. We detected spatiotemporal clusters that consistently overlapped with major rivers, and we outlined the extent of zones of increased risk that are compatible with the radii currently used for targeted interventions.