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High sustained viral response rate in patients with hepatitis C using generic sofosbuvir and daclatasvir in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Safe and efficacious pan-genotypic direct-acting antiviral (DAA) regimens, such as sofosbuvir and daclatasvir (SOF+DCV)facilitate simplified models of care for hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Zhang M O'Keefe D Iwamoto M Sann K Kien A Hang V Brucker C Jolivet P Ly S Chhit D Balkan S Marquardt T Le Paih M Dousset JP
Journal of viral hepatitis 2020 May 02; doi: 10.1111/jvh.13311. Epub 2020 05 02
Cambodia Daclatasvir Hepatitis C SVR12 Sofosbuvir

Quantification of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity by spectrophotometry: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: The radical cure of Plasmodium vivax and P. ovale requires treatment with primaquine or tafenoquine to clear dormant liver stages.

Pfeffer DA Ley B Howes RE Adu P Alam MS Bansil P Boum Y Brito M Charoenkwan P Clements A Cui L Deng Z Egesie OJ Espino FE von Fricken ME Hamid MMA He Y Henriques G Khan WA Khim N Kim S Lacerda M Lon C Mekuria AH Menard D Monteiro W Nosten F Oo NN Pal S Palasuwan D Parikh S Pitaloka Pasaribu A Poespoprodjo JR Price DJ Roca-Feltrer A Roh ME Saunders DL Spring MD Sutanto I Ley-Thriemer K Weppelmann TA von Seidlein L Satyagraha AW Bancone G Domingo GJ Price RN
PLoS medicine 2020 May ; 17(5); e1003084. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003084. Epub 2020 05 14

Suspected paracetamol overdose in Monrovia, Liberia: a matched case-control study.


BACKGROUND: A cluster of cases of unexplained multi-organ failure was reported in children at Bardnesville Junction Hospital (BJH), Monrovia, Liberia.

Haidar MK Vogt F Takahashi K Henaff F Umphrey L Morton N Bawo L Kerkula J Ferner R Porten K Baud FJ
BMC pediatrics 2020 Mar 30; 20(1); 139. doi: 10.1186/s12887-020-2008-3. Epub 2020 03 30
Liberia Liver insufficiency Paediatrics Paracetamol

The risk of tuberculosis in children after close exposure: a systematic review and individual-participant meta-analysis.


BACKGROUND: Tens of millions of children are exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis globally every year; however, there are no contemporary estimates of the risk of developing tuberculosis in exposed children.

Martinez L Cords O Horsburgh CR Andrews JR
Lancet (London, England) 2020 Mar 21; 395(10228); 973-984. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30166-5. Epub 2020 03 22

Field challenges to measles elimination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


BACKGROUND: During a measles epidemic, the Ministry of Public Health (MOH) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo conducted supplementary immunization activities (2016-SIA) from August 28-September 3, 2016 throughout Maniema Province.

Coulborn RM Nackers F Bachy C Porten K Vochten H Ndele E Van Herp M Bibala-Faray E Cohuet S Panunzi I
Vaccine 2020 Mar 17; 38(13); 2800-2807. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.02.029. Epub 2020 02 25
Democratic Republic of the Congo Mass vaccination Measles vaccination Vaccination coverage Vaccine effectiveness

Alternative observational designs to estimate the effectiveness of one dose of oral cholera vaccine in Lusaka, Zambia.


We conducted a matched case-control (MCC), test-negative case-control (TNCC) and case-cohort study in 2016 in Lusaka, Zambia, following a mass vaccination campaign. Confirmed cholera cases served as cases in all three study designs.

Ferreras E Blake A Chewe O Mwaba J Zulu G Poncin M Rakesh A Page AL Quilici ML Azman AS Cohuet S Ciglenecki I Malama K Chizema-Kawesha E Luquero FJ
Epidemiology and infection 2020 Mar 13; 148 e78. doi: 10.1017/S095026882000062X. Epub 2020 03 13
Cholera infectious disease epidemiology public health vaccine policy development

Energy needs in the treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition: Secondary analysis to optimize delivery of ready-to-use therapeutic foods.


Outpatient therapeutic feeding protocols for the treatment of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition in children were initially based on weight gain data from inpatient settings and expert knowledge of the physiological requirements during recovery.

Isanaka S Andersen CT Hanson KE Berthé F Grais RF Briend A
Maternal & child nutrition 2020 Mar 07; e12989. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12989. Epub 2020 03 07
Niger community-based management of acute malnutrition energy requirement ready-to-use therapeutic food severe acute malnutrition weight gain