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Lessons and challenges for measles control from unexpected large outbreak, Malawi.


Despite high reported coverage for routine and supplementary immunization, in 2010 in Malawi, a large measles outbreak occurred that comprised 134,000 cases and 304 deaths.

Minetti A Kagoli M Katsulukuta A Huerga H Featherstone A Chiotcha H Noel D Bopp C Sury L Fricke R Iscla M Hurtado N Ducomble T Nicholas S Kabuluzi S Grais RF Luquero FJ
Emerging infectious diseases 2013 Feb ; 19(2); 202-9. doi: 10.3201/eid1902.120301. Epub 2013 07 01

High levels of mortality, malnutrition, and measles, among recently-displaced Somali refugees in Dagahaley camp, Dadaab refugee camp complex, Kenya, 2011.


BACKGROUND: Following a rapid influx of over 200,000 displaced Somalis into the Dadaab refugee camp complex in Kenya, Médecins Sans Frontières conducted a mortality and nutrition survey of the population living in Bulo Bacte, a self-se

Polonsky JA Ronsse A Ciglenecki I Rull M Porten K
Conflict and health 2013 Jan 22; 7(1); 1. doi: 10.1186/1752-1505-7-1. Epub 2013 01 22

Public health surveillance after the 2010 haiti earthquake: the experience of médecins sans frontières.


Background In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a powerful earthquake, killing and wounding hundreds of thousands and leaving millions homeless.

Polonsky J Luquero F Francois G Rousseau C Caleo G Ciglenecki I Delacre C Siddiqui MR Terzian M Verhenne L Porten K Checchi F
PLoS currents 2013 Jan 07; 5 doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.6aec18e84816c055b8c2a06456811c7a. Epub 2013 01 07

Effectiveness of blood transfusions and risk factors for mortality in children aged from 1 month to 4 years at the Bon Marché Hospital, Bunia, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of blood transfusions in a hospital of north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mueller Y Bastard M Ehounou G Itama J Quéré M de la Tour R Vala L Etard JF Bottineau MC
Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2012 Dec ; 17(12); 1457-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2012.03095.x. Epub 2012 10 11
Democratic Republic of the Congo RDC República Democrática del Congo blood transfusion facteurs de risque factores de riesgo mortalidad mortality mortalité paediatric pediatría pédiatrique risk factors transfusion sanguine transfusión de sangre

Efficacy of amodiaquine for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Harper, Liberia.


In the face of spreading chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) resistance, amodiaquine remains a cheap and efficacious alternative for treating uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in many settings.

Checchi F Balkan S Vonhm BT Massaquoi M Biberson P Eldin de Pecoulas P Brasseur P Guthmann JP
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ; 96(6); 670-3. doi: . Epub 2003 04 28