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Higher risk sexual behaviour is associated with unawareness of HIV-positivity and lack of viral suppression - implications for Treatment as Prevention.


Efficacy of Treatment as Prevention Strategy depends on a variety of factors including individuals' likelihood to test and initiate treatment, viral load and sexual behaviour.

Huerga H Venables E Ben-Farhat J van Cutsem G Ellman T Kenyon C
Scientific reports 2017 Nov 23; 7(1); 16117. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16382-6. Epub 2017 11 23

Genomic history of the seventh pandemic of cholera in Africa.


The seventh cholera pandemic has heavily affected Africa, although the origin and continental spread of the disease remain undefined.

Weill FX Domman D Njamkepo E Tarr C Rauzier J Fawal N Keddy KH Salje H Moore S Mukhopadhyay AK Bercion R Luquero FJ Ngandjio A Dosso M Monakhova E Garin B Bouchier C Pazzani C Mutreja A Grunow R Sidikou F Bonte L Breurec S Damian M Njanpop-Lafourcade BM Sapriel G Page AL Hamze M Henkens M Chowdhury G Mengel M Koeck JL Fournier JM Dougan G Grimont PAD Parkhill J Holt KE Piarroux R Ramamurthy T Quilici ML Thomson NR
Science (New York, N.Y.) 2017 11 10; 358(6364); 785-789. doi: 10.1126/science.aad5901. Epub 2018 04 10

Evaluation of the Deki Reader™, an automated RDT reader and data management device, in a household survey setting in low malaria endemic southwestern Uganda.


BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of suspected malaria cases with a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) has been shown to be an effective malaria control tool used in many resource-constrained settings.

Oyet C Roh ME Kiwanuka GN Orikiriza P Wade M Parikh S Mwanga-Amumpaire J Boum Y
Malaria journal 2017 11 07; 16(1); 449. doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-2094-3. Epub 2017 11 07
Deki Reader™ Malaria Malaria surveillance Rapid diagnostic test Uganda

Antimicrobial resistance in West Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.


Growing data suggest that antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections are common in low- and middle-income countries.

Bernabé KJ Langendorf C Ford N Ronat JB Murphy RA
International journal of antimicrobial agents 2017 Nov ; 50(5); 629-639. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2017.07.002. Epub 2017 07 11
Antimicrobial agents Drug resistance West Africa

Diagnostic accuracy of VIKIA® Rota-Adeno and Premier™ Rotaclone® tests for the detection of rotavirus in Niger.


OBJECTIVE: We conducted a parallel evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of VIKIA® Rota-Adeno, a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) and Premier™ Rotaclone® an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-

Lagare A Moumouni A Kaplon J Langendorf C Pothier P Grais RF Issaka B Page AL
BMC research notes 2017 Oct 23; 10(1); 505. doi: 10.1186/s13104-017-2832-1. Epub 2017 10 23
RT-PCR Rotaclone Rotavirus Sensitivity Specificity VIKIA

Cost analysis of the treatment of severe acute malnutrition in West Africa.


We present an updated cost analysis to provide new estimates of the cost of providing community-based treatment for severe acute malnutrition, including expenditure shares for major cost categories.

Isanaka S Menzies NA Sayyad J Ayoola M Grais RF Doyon S
Maternal & child nutrition 2017 10 ; 13(4); doi: 10.1111/mcn.12398. Epub 2016 12 05
Niger community-based management cost ingredients approach severe acute malnutrition

Designing HIV Testing Algorithms Based on 2015 WHO Guidelines Using Data from Six Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Our objective was to evaluate the performance of HIV testing algorithms based on WHO recommendations, using data from specimens collected at six HIV testing and counseling sites in sub-Saharan Africa (Conakry, Guinea; Kitgum and Arua, Uganda; Homa Bay,

Kosack CS Shanks L Beelaert G Benson T Savane A Ng'ang'a A Bita A Zahinda JBN Fransen K Page AL
Journal of clinical microbiology 2017 10 ; 55(10); 3006-3015. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00962-17. Epub 2017 07 26
WHO guidelines diagnostic accuracy diagnostic algorithms human immunodeficiency virus positive predictive value rapid tests