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Lipsitch M Eyal N Halloran ME Hernán MA Longini IM Perencevich EN Grais RF
Science (New York, N.Y.) 2015 Apr 03; 348(6230); 46-8. doi: 10.1126/science.aaa3178. Epub 2015 04 29

The effect of dosing strategies on the therapeutic efficacy of artesunate-amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria: a meta-analysis of individual patient data.


BACKGROUND: Artesunate-amodiaquine (AS-AQ) is one of the most widely used artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) to treat uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa.

Adjuik MA Allan R Anvikar AR Ashley EA Ba MS Barennes H Barnes KI Bassat Q Baudin E Björkman A Bompart F Bonnet M Borrmann S Brasseur P Bukirwa H Checchi F Cot M Dahal P D'Alessandro U Deloron P Desai M Diap G Djimde AA Dorsey G Doumbo OK Espié E Etard JF Fanello CI Faucher JF Faye B Flegg JA Gaye O Gething PW González R Grandesso F Guerin PJ Guthmann JP Hamour S Hasugian AR Hay SI Humphreys GS Jullien V Juma E Kamya MR Karema C Kiechel JR Kremsner PG Krishna S Lameyre V Ibrahim LM Lee SJ Lell B Mårtensson A Massougbodji A Menan H Ménard D Menéndez C Meremikwu M Moreira C Nabasumba C Nambozi M Ndiaye JL Nikiema F Nsanzabana C Ntoumi F Ogutu BR Olliaro P Osorio L Ouédraogo JB Penali LK Pene M Pinoges L Piola P Price RN Roper C Rosenthal PJ Rwagacondo CE Same-Ekobo A Schramm B Seck A Sharma B Sibley CH Sinou V Sirima SB Smith JJ Smithuis F Somé FA Sow D Staedke SG Stepniewska K Swarthout TD Sylla K Talisuna AO Tarning J Taylor WR Temu EA Thwing JI Tjitra E Tine RC Tinto H Vaillant MT Valecha N Van den Broek I White NJ Yeka A Zongo I
BMC medicine 2015 Mar 31; 13 66. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0301-z. Epub 2015 03 31

Malaria PCR detection in Cambodian low-transmission settings: dried blood spots versus venous blood samples.


In the context of malaria elimination, novel strategies for detecting very low malaria parasite densities in asymptomatic individuals are needed.

Canier L Khim N Kim S Eam R Khean C Loch K Ken M Pannus P Bosman P Stassijns J Nackers F Alipon S Char MC Chea N Etienne W De Smet M Kindermans JM Ménard D
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2015 Mar ; 92(3); 573-7. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.14-0614. Epub 2015 01 05

Evaluation of the benefits and risks of introducing Ebola community care centers, Sierra Leone.


In some parts of western Africa, Ebola treatment centers (ETCs) have reached capacity. Unless capacity is rapidly scaled up, the chance to avoid a generalized Ebola epidemic will soon diminish.

Kucharski AJ Camacho A Checchi F Waldman R Grais RF Cabrol JC Briand S Baguelin M Flasche S Funk S Edmunds WJ
Emerging infectious diseases 2015 Mar ; 21(3); 393-9. doi: 10.3201/eid2103.141892. Epub 2015 10 09

Evolutionary history and global spread of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage.


Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains of the Beijing lineage are globally distributed and are associated with the massive spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis in Eurasia.

Merker M Blin C Mona S Duforet-Frebourg N Lecher S Willery E Blum MG Rüsch-Gerdes S Mokrousov I Aleksic E Allix-Béguec C Antierens A Augustynowicz-Kopeć E Ballif M Barletta F Beck HP Barry CE Bonnet M Borroni E Campos-Herrero I Cirillo D Cox H Crowe S Crudu V Diel R Drobniewski F Fauville-Dufaux M Gagneux S Ghebremichael S Hanekom M Hoffner S Jiao WW Kalon S Kohl TA Kontsevaya I Lillebæk T Maeda S Nikolayevskyy V Rasmussen M Rastogi N Samper S Sanchez-Padilla E Savic B Shamputa IC Shen A Sng LH Stakenas P Toit K Varaine F Vukovic D Wahl C Warren R Supply P Niemann S Wirth T
Nature genetics 2015 Mar ; 47(3); 242-9. doi: 10.1038/ng.3195. Epub 2015 01 19